Coaching is Sanele’s specialty and it is in group coaching sessions that he ensures that clients feel like they have been given all the attention in the world. He coaches on life and career topics, but he is not limited to the two because he has vast experience in lecturing entrepreneurship and in selling as well.

He has coached many successful people on these subjects and clients love his work. He is currently running a mentorship and coaching programme through Ilada Holdings and Make a Mark Africa Youth Development
In order to get the best Group Coaching Experience, 
Please Complete This Form Below: 
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Physical Address:
Company Name:
Event Name:
Length of Coaching Needed:
Number of Times Coaching is Needed:
What is the Approximate Size of the Audience?
What do They Want to Learn/Take Away from this Event?
What Are Their Challenges?
Are you planning to Film this Event?
Are you Interested in Buying Books for the Audience?
What are the guidelines for the travel budget and arrangements? 
Should we book the travel or will your company handle that?
Do you require any further information?
"If You Haven't Become Who You Want To Be, 
You Have No Reason To Stop Dreaming"
Sanele Gamede